Rslogix 500 total files active files
Rslogix 500 total files active files

rslogix 500 total files active files

It is basically a way for the PLC to organise its data so that user PLC logic can quickly and efficiently access the data. In PLC5 and SLC500, data are stored/organised in what they call as Data File. For the rest of us, we can use this article as a Wiki/Dictionary for RSLogix500 SLC Status. Make sure you are online with the controller if you have that setup. It would be easier to follow if you have a RSLogix500 connected to a PLC. I am publishing this just as a reference for all.

rslogix 500 total files active files rslogix 500 total files active files

I don’t take credit for all these documents as they are straight from the RSLogix500 Help File. This one is going to be a very detail look into the RSLogix500 SLC Status mainly highlighting what each of the register means and how to use it to debug your logic.

Rslogix 500 total files active files